Documentation Driven Development — The Only Way to Code

If you’re not familiar with Documentation Driven Development (D3), it is a software development process that relies on a team’s understanding of the system before being developed.
It means that instead of writing code to fix bugs or add features, developers write documentation to explain how their code works, so everyone on the team can understand it and work as a unit.
Beside that, it is useful for you to understand the whole project requirement like Technologies, Time, Work Force and Accurate Price Estimation. Most importantly, It will help you to understand the project better and to make a better decision.
Obviously, It requires more time upfront, but saves time on the back-end by ensuring that developers have a clear understanding of each project’s requirements before coding begins. It makes it easier for teams to collaborate effectively and avoid the problem of developers having different opinions about how a feature should be implemented.
It helps prevent bugs from going unnoticed because it forces developers to write down what they’re doing before doing it, rather than just diving in headfirst and hoping for the best.
Basically D3 is Typescript with out Type Error. (LOL)
Documentation driven development is not recommended because it can be hard to find developers who are willing to adopt this methodology. This is because it requires that developers spend a lot of time documenting their code, which makes them less likely to work on features that they don’t need.
If you are in a situation where documentation driven development is not recommended, Then you will need to take action and find out why. You should also try to understand what your company’s goals are and how they can benefit from adopting documentation driven development.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this article, and that it has helped you understand the importance of documentation driven development.
I’ll end by saying that a good documentation is worth reading more than the code. If you can’t understand how your code works, then how are you supposed to know if it’s working correctly?
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