Uncover The Truth About Starting A Business (Start-Up) & Why Everyone Is Obsessed With It
Have you ever thought about why everyone wants to start a business and start-up?

Do you remember the course entrepreneurship in university? Maybe you’re taking them, or maybe you are taking them soon. Anyway, I learned that course 2 or 3 years ago, and it was a great course. So inspired by my teacher. I can’t forget it.
Yesterday I was having a conversation with my friend, and he told me how hard running a business is and other low issues he faced this week. Then it got me thinking. Then I asked myself:
Why do we learn Entrepreneurship?
if you say, “To start your own business” or “To create work opportunities for others” you are right. Our government wants to decrease the unemployment rate as much as possible. And entrepreneurship is the best way to go because if you start your own business:
- You will be financially secure.
- You will create job opportunities for others.
- You will pay tax, So 🥲 that’s a good thing.
- You might ask for a loan to start your business, so there is a profit from that too.
Everything seems good and inspiring till we understand what it takes to run a profitable business.
So, How am I expected to start my business street out of College or University?
The entrepreneurship course is not enough
- It is not showing us how we pay our taxes.
- It is not showing us how we run our business.
- It is not showing us how we find investors or partners
- It is not even teaching us where to register and get our business license.
And not knowing all this information is misleading for the youths and graduates because:
- Everyone thinks it is easy to start your business.
- Everyone assumes you will work less than 9 to 5 jobs.
- Everyone presumes you will get a profit instantly.
But it is not, at least from my friend’s experience. And I bet many founders made many mistakes because of the lack of information. Many youths struggle after starting a business. And I don’t think our government wants us to fail because we are not the only ones who are falling, but we are also increasing unemployment, Not paying our taxes, and other issues.
I am not saying The entrepreneurship course is not Important. It is But, it is enough to start and run a profitable business. We at least have to learn
- How and where we can start our business.
- How do we get our business license?
- How do we pay our first tax?
- And all the basic rules.
I can’t believe I am saying this. But, we need more common courses.
Anyway, Would you still be interested in entrepreneurship if you knew all about the rules and hassles?
Next time you see your entrepreneurship teachers share this article and ask for their thought.
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